About Nuclear MD

The mission of this site is “to further case based learning in scintigraphic imaging techniques, using hybrid imaging modalities like PET-CT and SPECT-CT”. NuclearMD.com is a personal website I created in 2005, while working at St.Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York City, as an avenue to share lecture slides and teaching file cases with the Nuclear Medicine and Radiology residents.

In the relatively new Case-of-the-month feature, interesting case reports are published under the category of General NM, Nuclear Cardiology, and PET-CT imaging. Images from other related imaging modalities are also presented for multidisciplinary learning….more

Features every Month


“I passed my exam. Your sessions really made a difference. Thanks”
AB, Washington, DC

“YOUR TWO-DAY NUC SESSIONS ARE AWESOME!!! OUTSTANDING!!! DYNAMITE!!! The Materials are Excellent, Very High Yield, Very Thorough/Comprehensive, Very Concise, and Very Well-Organized. Thank You So Much For Your Teachings and Caring, Dr. Bhargava!!! I Highly Recommend Dr. Bhargava’s Nuc Webinar to All Radiology Residents.”


A must have for Nuclear Medicine trainees